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Thank you for signing my guestbook. May you return often and share with me the journey from hopelessness to a reason for hope.

Janet S. MacDonald - 11/05/00 20:09:45
Location(optional): Princeton, MA
My daughter Laura has been separated from her family for eleven years now. She is in hiding again. I hope and pray some day she will let some light into her mind and question her beliefs in her "memories" of abuse. She has missed so much. This "therapy" has taken away her husband and her family. She is a wonderful person and this "therapy" should never have happened. It is a blot on the reputation of all therapists.

Peppermint - 11/05/00 09:44:38
Please spread the word to Australian activists! There is a Repressed Memory Hypnotist who is blatantly offering his theories and sick ideas all over the Net. Although he has recently moved back to Australia because of his illegal practices in the United States, he says his school to train others in his methods is accredited by the State of California. His name is David John Oates and he is mentally unstable. Some of the things he has done has to been to publically and falsely accuse popular radio talk show host, Art Bell, of being a "child molestor" to he point where this caused Art Bell to quit his famous talk show. He has also caused psychosis in some patients, forcing them to become institutionalized. He also convinced one client, M. Tuck, under hypnosis to "loan" him $20,000 which he never paid back He has also had multiple sexual affairs with clients and admits to them, in books he has written. He is a high school drop-out, but is able to continue to practice as a hypnotherapist without a degree in anything. He also has a weekly radio show in which he conducts "trances" or hypnotizes people over the radio. You can hear for yourself these very psychologically damaging "trances" on his radio site at You can see the warning he put up about his own therapy, himself, at http:// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Should David John Oates' School of Reverse Speech be taught legally in California and ACCREDITED?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>> REAPER: backwards1 [David John Oates] Subject: well actually Sat Nov 4, 2000 10:04 pm Message: Our school in california is still up to date and current, and students are still being certified through there, so i suggest you check your facts before you engage your mouth - and we are having our first live training class in san diego again next year! < ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact for complaints: CONSUMER AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF 400 R Street, Suite 3000 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-4465 Toll free outside Sacramento area (800) 952-5210 Director Kathleen Hamilton --- or try: State of California Consumer Complaint Form, Council for Private PostSecondary and Vocational Education (phone 916-445-3427)

Michelle - 10/24/00 03:07:11
Location(optional): Miami
Hi, Great website! I've recently started a false memory support group, for those of us who are retractors... I also have true memories of abuse as well, which is why it's also for those who have true memories as well... basically, the goal is a place wher retractors can talk, and if you have been abused, you are able to talk freely about either or both... Michelle (stands for False Memory Syndrome and Recovered Memories)

Marilyn - 10/05/00 17:55:38
I want to know how to find some answers to questions that I have about therapy.

Pesel & Marty Hornstein - 09/02/00 21:06:21
Location(optional): Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dear Laura, We just located your page after reading the current FMS Newsletter and so have not read everthing that you have in it. Perhaps the answer is already there. but - How is it possible to put the germ of doubt in our daughter's mind that perhaps there is an ther reason for her problems? It is almost 10 years since this started and she is still not on the road to recovery. Thanks

John P. Brown, Jr. - 07/30/00 10:38:13
Location(optional): Norwich, VT
Laura's webpage with its helpful links is still essential since the mental health guilds have yet to publicly reject the recovered memory movement. Far too many "professionals" are still contributing to the creation of false memories and/or covering up fo their unethical colleagues. I am a psychologist who spoke out against the devastating quackery of recovered memory years ago only to discover how far other professionals would go to protect the highly profitable RMT movement. I am now preparing to draft legislation to ensure that mental health regulators in New Hampshire protect the public rather than the insider quacks who brought us the devastation of RMT. I'd love to hear from anyone willing to share personal experiences with NH mental health profess onals or who have any suggestions for reforming mental health regulation in NH. In the meantime, my highest regards and best wishes to those who have had the courage to directly confront the false memories developed during "therapy".

Henri and Jack Miller - 06/29/00 04:44:48
Location(optional): Yuma, AZ
Thank you Laura for EVERYTHING!! If you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask. your friend, Henri Miller

Eric Nelson - 06/17/00 16:01:23
Location(optional): Hanover, New Hampshire
Hi Laura, glad you hunted me down and made me sign your guestbook! Take care, be good and stay in touch. EN

Judy Norris - 06/12/00 22:10:20
Location(optional): SF,East Bay, Ca.
I am so encouraged by seeing so many women and men responding to this great web site, super job. Thank you for this terrific presentation. My daughter and I, as well as other family members, have had a slow, painful coming together. I ache for her with hat she endured at the hands of therapists. She is now interested in knowing of others'experiences. I will give her your e-mail, website address. Again, thanks.

Laura E. Pasley - 06/09/00 05:49:35
Location(optional): Dallas, Texas
A quick comment to those who wish to sign the guestbook. This is not a debate forum. It has nothing to do with the Ramsey Case. It is simply a place to encourage one another and post messages to and from those affected or who just want to post a note a out the issue. No one can understand how we have all suffered, & that includes the suffering parents & siblings; unless they have walked in our shoes. Please respect that. I have removed the post that prompted this remark. Thank you, Laura E. Pasley

Susan Isadore - 06/08/00 17:46:48
Location(optional): DC metro area
Do you know anyone in the DC area--I'd give anything to be able to talk to someone else who has gone throught this. Thanks

Jerry M. - 06/08/00 16:08:18
Location(optional): WI
Hi Laura, I met you at the NY Conference in April. It was my first conference as my youngest daughter just accused me last August of one instance of sexual molestation when she was six years old. She told me to read The Courage to Heal, which gave me a good ideas to what was causing her problem. She has not spoken to me since then, nor has my oldest daughter who lives in Tucson. My wife of 39 years has filed for divorce as she believes the accusation because she says our daughter would have no reason to lie. The FMSF has been a Godsend in enabling me to keep my sanity through this ordeal, but my wife and daughters believe it is just a front for real abusers. They sure don't want to be confused by the facts, which I've learned is quite common with all recover d memory believers. Got some tapes from someone at the conference, and one of them is you and your parents' and daughter's appearance on Rolanda in 1994. You did a good job. Wish you had some magic dust you could sprinkle around to get my family back to what it was a year ago, but it looks like it takes a real long time, if ever, to get over this. Best Wishes and thanks for all you're doing to help solve this problem. Jerry

Steve Evans - 06/06/00 19:34:28
Location(optional): Dallas, TX
Thanks for naming the bad guy Steve.

Elaine - 05/29/00 07:39:08

Heidi Headley - 05/09/00 20:26:44
Location(optional): Wichita, KS
Laura, I love you. Aren't you glad you listened to me when I told you what's his name was no good and to get away from him. Too bad I didn't beat the statute of limitations for sueing the bastard!! There will never be enough punishment for what he did to us!!! I am so glad you are using your experience for good.

Melody Gavigan - 04/25/00 17:16:35
Location(optional): Northern Nevada, U.S.A.
Laura, this site is wonderful. I did not know that there were still some incompetent therapists out there doing this. My own therapist was extremely incompetent and this was his own method of "short cut" therapy. I had hoped with the millenium that this s uff of blaming your parents for everything had stopped. Thank the Lord that I was able to sort out fact and fiction and to return to my parents before my mother died. Now my Dad is my best friend! Let's hope the New Age brings more competence to the menta health field. Love, Melody Wahl (previously Gavigan)

Kaleb - 04/23/00 18:34:17
Location(optional): Durand Wi

john B - 04/22/00 14:59:33
Location(optional): New England
I was recently falsely accused (3 months ago) of molesting my daughter sometime before she was 6. She is now 17. She has a history of problems, drugs, sucicide attempts, many detox, rehabs, etc. currently in the custody of DSS for some legal problems. I h ve lost the companionship of her and my 15 year old daughter. I am just seeking out info. and found your page.

Pierre Cloutier - 03/13/00 01:02:06
Location(optional): Toronto
What a Sad yet inspiring story. I'm sorry to say that a lot of Therapists are in "denial" or living in Egypt still. On several Chat sites I have conversed with those who don't see a problem. Keep up the good work!

Mary-Karen Reid - 03/03/00 03:22:25
Location(optional): Canada
Laura: Wonderful web page! I'm glad to see you are doing so well,and reaching out to others. Plus it was nice to put a face to the name after reading your posts on witchhunt a few years back. Best wishes.

Anne Davis - 02/29/00 19:28:49
Location(optional): England
I have 2 daughters who I am sure are suffering from false memory syndrome. They claim recalling memories of abuse against 2 members of my family (my husband and my Dad). Our family history is such that it is impossible for me to believe the accusations. I am being helped by British False Memory Society. At present my girls refuse to believe that they could be suffering from FMS. Is there any way that I can help my girls. My relationship with them at the moment is very distant and it is breaking my he rt. The accusations were made 1 month ago. Sincerely Anne Davis

Mary Shanley - 02/26/00 01:36:37
Location(optional): Wheaton IL.
Laura and I met throuh FMSF in 1993. Laura has been a wonderful friend to me through some rough times, as well as some great times. In fact, alot of our good times have been in the midst of hurting periods of my life. I will always cherish her fiendship!

sharla kimmel - 02/22/00 01:08:09
My Email:ibkimmel
Location(optional): michigan
Hi Laura: Wish you had a chat room. I could use one tonight. Your web sight is just wonderful. Thank you for doing this and for following through with it. Let me know if in any way I can help a bit. Hope all is very well with you and your daughter. Will you be at the conference in April?

Margaret Sacht - 02/01/00 16:57:15
Location(optional): Northern Germany
I found your site through the FMSF Newsletter. How very encouraging!!!! I do wish my accusing twin sister could see this. My Mom, who is 85, hasn't figured out the Internet yet, although we do write daily e-mails. I'll be going home soon, though, with my daughter and my new grandson (my parents' first great-grandchild), and then I can show Mom how to find you. That will cheer her up. Alas, very little cheers up my Dad, who is 90, half blind, and paralyzed by Parkinson's. He is so obviously innocent o the horrendous crimes of which he has been accused that it breaks my heart. Bless you for your courage and understanding. My parents have suffered enough, but so has my poor sister. Margaret Sacht

Tracy Titus - 01/14/00 01:46:40
Location(optional): Concord, California
Laura: I really like your web site! So much more of a starting place for me. I would like to know though, how to get connected into this. How do I get connected in with others through your site or sharing stories, etc. I'm glad you at least had an attorney t at treated you like you had a brain. By the time I found out about al of this stuff I was 2 months past the statute of limitations in Illinois and that prevented me from suing there. No one wants to take the case against my doc here in California "becau e it's not clear cut malpractice. It's not like he cut off the wrong arm or something" says the attorney I spoke with today. I am a paralegal, so I understand all of this. It doesn't make it any less hurtful but I can image those of us that are not inv lved in the legal field and how they must feel being treated like that. I have given up the issue of suing. I don't need that, but I still need to climb out of this mess. Thanks, Tracy

Barbara Rainey - 01/12/00 05:19:00
Location(optional): Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
I am interested in the subject of false memory syndrome. I used to believe in the repression of traumatic memories. However, I have since learned that the more traumatic an experience is, the person is more likely to remember it.

Eunice Campbell - 11/07/99 21:19:01
Location(optional): Guelph, Ont, Canada
Thank you for telling your story this way. I hope and pray many will read. Our daughter was involved in this type of therapy and it harmed her and us greatly. She is a returner rather than a retractor. We saw her for the first time in over 5 years just 2 ks before her father's death.

Gianni D'Addario - 11/02/99 11:40:42
Location(optional): Canberra , Australia , 2615
Icould not get in using the URL in the last FMSF newsletter but I got it somehow. Are you compiling or taking over from Donna Anderson as editor of the retractor's newsletter? I sent a e-mail to Donna but I got no reply. I was interested in compiling a newsletter with Australian and other countries returners. I am an accused father. My daughter came back ALMOST PENNYLESS and she is now with her mother, my former wife. She is egotistic and self centered. She still consider me to have abused her when she was a child. my wife and I suspect she knows better now bu she would not admit her mistake. I am 73 and my ex-wife seven year younger than me. I am resigned but my wife is extremely upset by her daughter behaviour. I am not allowed to ring when my daughter is there. We love this child (35y.o.) and try very hard o help her in getting on her feet. Could you help? What should we do? Thank you, Gianni

Sue Sanders - 10/18/99 16:16:15
Location(optional): Lake Havasu City, AZ

Amy Walker - 10/13/99 19:36:24
Hi Laura, Thank you for this webpage. I am also a retractor. I went to therapy with Ellen Bass in 1997. I'm still having a hard time expressing what happened. It's too late for me to do anything legally, and my parents have died since the false accusation. I think a retractors webpaage is a good idea. Also,therapy letters. I wish there was a safe supportive place where retractors, like me, could write a letter to a therapist. I'd like to write one to Ellen Bass. I remember seeing one written to her by another retractor, and I'd like to pput it with that one. Do you know where that letter is? Hope to hear from you. Love, Amy

David P. Hunter - 09/24/99 16:02:17
Location(optional): Champaign, Illinois
Laura, we all so admire you for your courage and for the work you do in helping other retractors and spreadding the word. I will help you in any way I can. I have formed a group in Illinois called PACT (Parents Against Cruel Therapy). I publish a monthly newsletter and, if it's OK with you, I would like to add you to our mailing list. It's free, but I think it's worth a little more than that. God bless you and keep you. Sincerely, Dave

Karen Lozano - 08/11/99 13:30:02
Cool site!

Kris Vanderford - 08/09/99 21:28:54
Location(optional): Ft. Myers, Fl.
My daughter developed a short period of bulemia while pursuing modeling. At age 18, she returned to a "therapist" we both had seen a few years earlier for family problems. This person hypnotized her and now my daughter claims she was sexually abused at ge 3. At no time in individual therapy, before she was 18 did this issue ever arise. The therapist also did psychological testing at my request when my daughter was 14-15 years old. I have no recourse against this therapist as my daughter was 18 when these "memories" "emerged". Since that time she has been emotionally unstable and has had a psychotic break for which she is now hospitali d. This situation sickens me. Please continue to educate people on the dangers of unscrupulous therapists. Thank you.

Kris Vanderford - 08/09/99 21:25:51
Location(optional): Ft. Myers, Fl.
My daughter developed a short period of bulemia while pursuing modeling. At age 18, she returned to a "therapist" we both had seen a fewyears earlier for family problems. This person hypnotized her and now my daughter claims she was sexually abused at a e 3. At no time in individual therapy, before she was 18 did this issue ever arise. The therapist also did psychological testing at my request when my daughter was 14-15 years old. I have no recourse against this therapist as my daughter was 18 when th se "memories" "emerged". Since that time she has been emotionally unstable and has had a psychotic break for which she is now hospitalized. This situation sickens me. Please continue to educate people on the dangers of unscrupulous therapists. Thank yo .

Louise Dulles - 08/05/99 20:28:48
Location(optional): Chicago, IL
I, Louise Dulles, am a writer. I use the computer of a friend of ours, Karen, who is a Chicago-based real estate professional. Ergo, many e-mail addresses:;; and (or, forgot!) I am writing about people who were: a. Falsely accused of neglecting, abusing, and/or sexually molesting youngsters; b. An adult who did do something harmful to a youngster, but whose charges, or "indications" made by CPS case workers were trumped up over and above what was actually committed; c. Recanters: Anyone who falsely accused an adult in their life of harming them in any way, and who wishes to talk about the process of both the accusation and recanting it. Please write me email ASAP if you fit any of the above. I will then let you know the procedure for submitting whatever truth you have to tell. Each person who submits his or her truth will have a chapter devoted to them in my book. Some of the chapters will have commentaries made by both a criminal defense attorney and a police officer who arrests those accused of child abuse. I thank you for your time. Sincerely, Louise Dulles, Chicago, IL

Retractor - 08/02/99 03:06:10
My Email:MattLisha

David P. Hunter - 08/02/99 00:37:18
Location(optional): Champaign, Illinois
Laura, I cannot begin to tell you how much I respect you. We lost our oldest daughter to fms nine years ago and have not seen her since. I am quite active in FMS work in Illinois. Your videotape is a great help to us as is your website. I am very sorry for what you have been through. Thank you for showing all of us how to make the BEST of a sorry situation. Sincerely, Dave

joel hungerford - 07/29/99 16:23:43
Location(optional): maine (until 8/19)
I wish you the best of luck. your website will help a lit of people! regards -joel

Brian - 07/29/99 15:16:15
Location(optional): New Zealand
Congratulations. Very Best Wishes. I can only begin to imagine the hell of having lived through completely unnecessary false memories. Your page will be welcomed not only by others in a similar situation, but also by parents shattered by devastated relationships and horrendous allegations, who will see the information as providing some hope to recover such relationships.

V Dolter - 07/29/99 12:39:13
Location(optional): Iowa
Laura, Well done!! Your website is a source of strength for anyone whose life has been touched by this quack therapy. Thank you!

Kevin Farmer - 07/23/99 17:24:07

David P. Hunter - 06/23/99 19:11:57
Location(optional): Champaign, Illinois
God bless you, Laura, for your courage and for all you have done and continue to do for all of us and that others may not suffer as we have. I have formed a more active group in Illinois called PACT - Parents Against Cruel Therapy. I would be honored if you would let me send you my monthly newsletter. It goes out now to over 200 people, mostly in Illinois. We have not seen our oldest daughter, Diane, for over nine years. I will never stop fighting for her and for our cause. Thank you for your web page and for the great videotape you made. Sincerely, Dave

V Dahlheimer - 06/05/99 19:57:28
I liked your page alot

mary - 03/13/99 04:29:07
Location(optional): Phila.Pa

faye ellwood - 02/28/99 20:45:52
this very well worth reading

David P. Hunter - 01/09/99 23:13:21
Location(optional): Champaign, Illinois
I was so impresssed with the quality of your videotape and now also with your website. Our oldest daughter distanced herself from us 9 years ago with FMS. I am very active in FMS work in Illinois and only hope that I can do even half as much good as you have. God bless you and all your efforts.

Maxine Berry - 01/05/99 18:38:06
Location(optional): Sioux Falls, SD
Laura, What you are doing is wonderful! I hope that we can stop RMT!

norma govan - 12/23/98 13:17:55
Location(optional): ft collins colorado
So many people have helped us through this crisis. We try to help others with networking and resources. Thanks Laura!

Annette - 12/20/98 04:53:20
Location(optional): CA
I wish there were a way to reach 9 and 10 year olds whose culture has been shaped by the concept of "recovered Memory" and who are using this to exclude unwanted members of their households via false allegations. These children have bought in to this mag cal idea and play out their fantasies as heroines.

Melody Gavigan - 11/17/98 02:05:23
Location(optional): Northern Nevada
Laura, what a great idea to have a website for retractors! A place of our own! After losing touch with my other retractor friends a few years ago, I'm so glad we found each other. I retracted 6 years ago; it seems like forever. I hope that Laura & Ellen o Courage to Heal hear from a LOT of retractors! :-) I will come back often and visit. Love, Melody

Rosie Ladeau - 11/09/98 17:29:17
Location(optional): Philadelphia
I was very moved by your story. I have recently retracted abuse by my family, and have been trying to make right the damage that has been done. I saw my therapist for five years, and believed that I had multiple personality disorder and was horrendously sexually abused by my father. I was hospitalized 14 times, and was on a variety of medications. I have gotten in touch with the FMS Foundation, and they have been very helpful with information. However, I still feel very alone. Thank you for creating his website.

Joseph Davis - 11/06/98 16:51:46
Am writing an article about retractors for a sociology journal. Hoping to find here some first-person accounts. Thank you.

Jaye Bartha - 10/08/98 20:28:03
Location(optional): Boulder, CO

10/04/98 11:18:09
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Julie Frances - 09/19/98 03:19:40
Location(optional): Texas
What a great web page!!! Thank you for all you have done for so many people. You seem like a lovely lady. Keep up the good work.

Toby Feld - 09/14/98 14:50:05
Location(optional): New Jersey
It looks great, Laura. Thanks for all you've done.

Harvey C. Shapiro - 09/10/98 21:59:48
Location(optional): Northern California
For you Laura, I wish the best!!!!!!!!!!

Dean Tong - 09/10/98 11:47:53
Location(optional): Tampa, FL
Nice site! How about a link?

Lauri St.cyr - 09/07/98 18:17:44
Location(optional): Dakota City, Ne
Laura, I will come here often and read all this work you have done. This is wonderful. You have done a good job!

elizabeth loftus - 07/28/98 18:21:05
It's great that Laura Pasley has taken steps to rise up from her awful experience and do something to try to help others.

Grant Wales - 07/28/98 13:31:37
Location(optional): Rogers, AR
I've got lots of FMS articles, etc. on computer files and do lots of networking.

Skip Simpson - 07/20/98 00:20:56
My Email:ssimpson@skipsimpson
Location(optional): Dallas, Texas
You were the trailblazer. Both sides of the FMS issue love you; one side may not admit it. I thank you.

Jennifer Reed - 06/03/98 18:22:06
If there's anyone out there who isn't sure about contacting their parents, please let me encourage to go ahead. Four years ago I called my parents and explained that I needed their help. Everything I had come to believe in was now in question. Would they talk to me and answer questions I had. We now talk on the phone almost every day! We visit nearly every month despite a 10 hour drive between our homes. I have been so grateful to have my family back. Feel free to contact me. Life really can be sane again. Jennifer

Judy Cooper - 04/01/98 19:49:25
Stopping by to visit your page.
I hope you get lots of people dropping by to "chat" with you.

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